Sunday, May 27, 2012

Watch Your Back!

Several years ago a colleague applied for professional status in a member organization.  He had passed all of the exams and completed all of the requirements but still needed to provide three references.  It seemed logical to approach his manager at the time for one of the references.  The manager gladly agreed.

Weeks went by and the lad finally received a response from his organization…he had been soundly rejected.  He inquired as to why.  It seemed his manager did not support the request for promotion to professional status within the organization.

Is the manager at fault?  Should the colleague have been more specific and asked for a “good” reference.  Common sense would tell me that the manager should have declined the request for the reference.  And if he felt strongly enough about his position, at least explained to the employee why he thought this way.
Either way, the blind side was not the correct approach.  Sometimes I just have to shake my head!


  1. ...ya, a bad move on behalf of the manager. He should have politely declined and been upfront on his stance. It's common sense that if you aren't going to give at least a somewhat favourable reference, even if you do have some hesitations or critical feedback, then you don't serve as someone's reference. That is why it is called a "reference" are "referring someone". Geeze Louise I tell ya, some people's children.

    Thanks for the post!

    Shawna McMurran

    1. I know. I still am amazed about that one. It astounds me how common sense is just so fleeting to some people.
