Sunday, May 20, 2012

Buffalo Forge

Photo © 2003 Stephen Corbett

I walked the same hallowed halls that Mr. Willis Carrier did when he invented the first air-conditioner!  The building was razed in 2006.  I don't know how many were employed at Buffalo Forge in 1982 but I know there were several hundred.  Land being at a premium also made parking a premium as well.  There was a lot right across the street where all the employees parked bumper to bumper.  No getting out at anytime during the day.  At precisely 5 o'clock (or was it 4) every employee would leave the building and go to their car.  Anyone being more than a few minutes late could hold up hundreds trying to leave for home.  This overtime!!!  Them was the good ole days!


  1. Nice blog name and tag line! Very creative for an engineer :)


  2. Haha! Thanks, Shawna. I take it you know some engineers?

