Friday, May 18, 2012

Right or Left Brain?

I’m a right brain person working in a left brain world.  I take some comfort in the fact that I’m not alone in this circumstance as I have met others following the same path.  I guess I only have myself to blame since as a teen I never really knew what I should do when “I grew up”.

My mother put me on the engineering path, saying it will get me a good job and I can earn a good living.  I can’t argue with that.  It has paid the bills and provided my family with a decent upper middle class existence.  I ain’t rich….but I also ain’t living in a van down by the river.

My life isn’t just math or numbers.  It’s a constant juggling of personalities, architects, contractors, engineers, owners, suppliers, co-workers, budgets, schedules and dead lines.  Like my wife says, “If it wasn’t for the kids, teaching would be a breeze!”  If it wasn’t for the people, engineering would be a breeze.

Engineering is logical…people are not!


  1. Hi Chris,

    I enjoyed reading both your posts. In my life I have been very left brained while I was raising children (gotta get someone to softball on time!) but now can be much more creative and laid back. I think your idea of including the Right Brain/Left Brain Quiz was great info too. (I was 10 Left 8 Right). All the best to you in your blogging adventure.

    Gail(from your course)

  2. Thanks, Gail. Looking forward to reading your blog as well.


  3. Love your last comment "Engineering is logical...people are not" as it's so true. I always thought I was very left brained but now am focusing more on my right brain and am feeling that while I'm still more left brained oriented, my right brain is not so bad - it was just out of practice.

    1. I migrate back and forth day to day between left and right brain dominant. All depends on the mood I'm in I guess.

  4. Hi Chris, your blog is looking good! This left/right brain thing is interesting - I admit I had to google it but my test results seem to indicate I am more left-brained (55%).

    1. Thanks, Wancy. Sounds like you have a good balance between left/right brain, which is probably a good thing.

